Have you ever wanted to work in a Data Center? If so, we're going to be talking about the Cisco Certified Technician Data Center Certification or also known as the CCT 010-151 DCTECH certification in this blog & video!
In our last blog on the Cisco Certified Technician Certification we learned about Routing and Switching. Today, we're going to switch the focus a little bit to a different vertical and talk about CCT Data Center. Data Center is a huge track and it's VERY much in demand. A lot of people are talking about data centers, whether it's on-prem or in the cloud, it’s a hot topic.

The CCT Data Center certification is very similar to routing and switching, however with Data Center you're focusing more on the hardware. We're taking a look at nexus switches, we're taking a look at MDS(Multi-Layer Director Switches) for doing storage area networking. We're also looking at Cisco UCS, the unified computing system, both the rack Mount server(C Series) and the blade series(B Series)
These are going to be the pieces of equipment that you're going to want to understand and know, because if you get a call from one of the data center engineers and you need to go into the data center and they tell you to go to a particular row and cabinet and find a 5108 a B series (5108 is the actual chassis code) and pull out the server in slot three. So you look at the chassis, you go to slot three, and pull that server out. The server itself slides into a bay inside the chassis server. Once you take that out and swap out the ram you can just plug that server back in and it comes right back online. Really, really cool stuff.
Why is this important? Because that's the type of stuff that you'll be doing.
You're also going to need you to understand how the different operating systems work. To name a few, you will be working with:
- Cisco Nexus or Cisco NX-OS which is a different operating system that you’ve dealt with before in Cisco iOS on routers and switches.
- Cisco UCS came from SAN OS which was the old data center operating system that has been migrated into UCS. This is going to be the operating system that runs your servers.
- Cisco Multilayer Director Switches or MDS also have an OS to help with management of your MDS that you have in place.
Now let’s talk a little more about the certification.
- The certification itself is 90 minutes long.
- You have 65 to 75 questions for the exam and it's
- The price for the exam is $125 USD.
- You can register for the exam on PearsonVue.com.
What is it that you're going to be tested on in the CCT?
- 17% of the exam: Data Center Basics.
- 25% of the exam: Cisco Equipment and Related Hardware.
- 25% of the exam: Cisco UCS and Cisco NX-OS Software Operation.
- 33% of the exam: Service-Related Information
This is some of the stuff that you're going to need to know if you want to be successful in taking the CCT Data Center Certification.
Once you get your CCT Data Center certification, what’s next? Now you need real-world hands-on skills based training in order to get yourself from where you're at now and into a job and get job ready, Right? Join us here at NexGenT with all of our amazing trainers who focus on getting you the skills you need to become an IT Professional and our career services team that will help you go through and build your resume, cover letter, mock interviews, build those soft skills to try to help you get into an IT job. Click the link below for more information about our Network Engineer Program: https://ngt.academy/network-engineer-program-and-cybersecurity-accelerator/