NGT Updates
Apr 4, 2024

NexGenT Welcomes Umar Aziz, Instructor & Mentor

NGT Academy
NGT Academy

Umar is a seasoned rockstar engineer who comesto NexGenT with an enormous amount of experience coupled with burning passionfor teaching and a core competency of helping starters to become successful networkand system engineers. Umar has a bachelor’s degree in computer science as wellas master’s degree in information technology in addition to his vast spectrumof professional credentials.

Umar began his career after obtaining CCNArouting & switching working as a Network Engineer. His passion and desireshowed as he quickly built his way up in the hierarchy to Senior NetworkEngineer. He consistently demonstrated his ability to shine in the IT field as aSolution Architect and Network Manager over the span of 10 years. Umar hassecured leadership experiences for large IT consulting, automotivemanufacturing, and financial services companies. Umar has more than two yearsof in-class teaching experience with areas covering but not limited to Network+,ICND1, ICND2, and Security+ classes before joining NexGenT.

Umar has an outstanding and respectable certificationportfolio touting 10+ industry leading certifications. This portfolio includes CiscoCCNA, CCNP (Routing & Switching), CCDA, CCDP (Design), CCNA (Wireless),ITILv3, Aerohive (ACWA, ACWP), Fortinet (NSE3, NSE4), Palo Alto (PCNSE). Umartruly is a gem of a resource for any audience seeking a career in networking.

Please join us in welcoming Umar to ourinstructor team. He will be helping out within our communities, on coachingcalls, and delivering first class content inside the NexGenT Learning Platform.

Welcome Umar – We cannot wait to see the greatthings you will do for NexGenT!

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